Alfred University News


k8彩乐园app官网下载的校友将于本周末6月6日至9日返回校园,参加2024年的聚会. 一系列的活动——包括阿尔弗雷德村唯一的红绿灯安装50周年的社区庆祝活动——都在团聚的日程上.

红绿灯庆祝活动以社区为导向, 由该村和阿尔弗雷德的两所高等教育机构联合举办, k8彩乐园app官网下载和阿尔弗雷德州立学院, 这两所学校都将在本周末举行校友聚会. The traffic light, first installed on June 4, 1974, 在松树街和主街的交叉路口, was replaced last fall, 松树街上横跨卡纳卡迪亚河的桥也是如此. 以前的交通灯节也为这30个国家举办过th 2004年是光周年纪念,也是40周年纪念th in 2014.

2024阿尔弗雷德交通灯节将于6月8日星期六举行. 活动将包括下午6点开始的游行.m. 在k8彩乐园app官网下载校园的乔丹大厅后面,沿着主街一直走到红绿灯处, where a ceremony will be held.

节日庆祝活动将以街头派对继续, which will include games, such as Twister and Red Light-Green Light; and live music by the band “Sweet Degenerates” from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Commemorative T-shirts ($10), “交通堵塞”是一种可食用的纪念品,有两种口味, 草莓和杏子(5美元)——可供购买, 所有的收益将被村子用于儿童公园的新设备.

Reunion 2024 Schedule

Reunion Weekend kicks off Thursday, June 6, with the early arrivals of alumni, 谁能参观展览, “Jack Earl: Recent Acquisitions,” at the Alfred Ceramic Art Museum, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 哈德厅的特纳画廊将从上午11点开始开放.m. to 2 p.m.

Among the Alfred University Reunion events Friday are the Saxon Golf Classic at Wellsville Country Club; the noon arrival of the Saxon Bikers, a group of alumni who each year bicycle from various locations onto campus; and a welcome back dinner for alumni followed by musical entertainment in the evening.

arts and craft show

“maker on Main”艺术和工艺展, 这是k8彩乐园app官网下载校友聚会的热门景点, 将于周六在Village Bandstand草坪举行, June 8.

周六的亮点包括上午10点在Village Bandstand草坪上举行的“maker on Main”艺术和手工艺展.m. to 4 p.m.; an alumni speaker presentation, titled “The Power of Mentorship,” from 11 a.m. to noon in Nevins Theater, Powell Campus Center; gatherings for honored classes and groups, including the 2004 B.F.A. and M.F.A. alumni, who are celebrating their 20th reunions; the alumni class processions to the alumni luncheon at Joyce Walton Center; a “New Spaces Tour” of Harder Hall, 2 p.m.; dinners for honored classes; and an alumni dessert reception and evening musical entertainment.


k8彩乐园app官网下载的校友本周末将在校园聚会2024年. 上图是前一次同学会校友游行的照片.

周日的活动包括学生大使告别早餐. “服务日”捐赠活动支持非盟食品储藏室和谢丽尔衣橱, 这是一个为学生提供职业服装的项目,他们可以用这些服装给他们留下最好的第一印象, will be held from 2-4 p.m. Saturday and 8-11 a.m. 周日在鲍威尔校园中心二楼的社区餐桌.

校友将有机会参观几所大学的设施, 包括Maris Cuneo公园的bromley - daggett马术中心, at 3 p.m.. Friday and 10 a.m. 星期六,在新的CREATE中心参加一个开放的房子, 在工程学院的麦克马洪大楼, from 2-3:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday.

Events on tap throughout the weekend include campus walking tours; an exhibition, “Jack Earl: Recent Acquisitions,” at the Alfred Ceramic Art Museum, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday and Saturday; an art exhibition for first-year graduate students, titled “Rounding the Corner,” at the Cohen Gallery, 12-4 p.m. Friday and 1-3 p.m. Saturday; demonstrations of the Biology Department’s Virtual Cadaver instructional equipment (2:30 p.m. 星期五和星期六)和可再生能源工程项目的微型房屋太阳能收集项目(下午2-4点).m. Friday and Saturday).

Alumni members of the 西格玛姐妹会正在庆祝100周年th anniversary of the organization’s founding. Sigma Chi Nu成员将于周五在哈蒙德波特的Barrelhouse酿酒厂举行庆祝活动, 其中k8彩乐园app官网下载校友和西格玛奇努姐妹卡拉麦基88年是联合创始人和董事总经理. 该组织将于周六在塞尔斯街的姐妹会旧居举行年度会议.